HTML and HTML Basics

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language for creating Web pages. It is extensively used for structuring web pages.

Basics of HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
              <title> Title Here "Show in browser tab window" </title>
                <header> This tag for header area like, Top navigation and banner section add into    this tag </header>
                <h1>  Heading Text Here and h1 is the first large heading </h1>
                <h2>  Heading Text Here and h2 is the second large heading </h2>
                <h3>  Heading Text Here and h3 is the third large heading </h3>
                <h4>  Heading Text Here and h4 is the fourth large heading </h4>
                <h5>  Heading Text Here and h5 is the fifth large heading </h5>
                <h6>  Heading Text Here and h6 is the sixth large heading </h6>
                <p>  This tag for Paragraph </p>
            <footer>This tag for Footer area like, Bottom navigation and copyrights section add into    this tag </footer>

What is <!DOCTYPE html>  ?

When we write <!DOCTYPE html>  like that it means the document to be in HTML5.

What is <html>  Element?

This element or tag is the ground element because it wrap the complete HTML page.

What is <title>  Element?

This element or tag indicate a title for the page, it shows in the browser tab.

What is <body>  Element?

This element hold the page content.

How Many Heading Tags in HTML ?

In HTML there have six tags and different sizes of headings such as : 
h1 to h6 tags use for Heading.

Start with <hNumber>   =  <h1>
End with </hNumber>   =  </h1>
